Lecture 12: Quantum Computing in Ireland#


This is a placeholder for the in house lecture from ICHEC. It will be populated in due time with necessary prerequisits, and supplementary content on ICHEC’s activities on quantum computing.


This is a live lecture, and covers Irish footprint on Quantum computing. We recall the scientist from Ireland whose discoveries helped the quantum computing, discuss the current research and industry activities in quantum computing, and describe ICHEC’s positioning in the quantum computing ecosystem in Ireland.


Below is a list of books on a wide range of topics related to quantum computing and quantum mechanics. Students are encouraged to further their studies by selecting the topics that interest them most.


Some of the topics are so new and still in developement, that there are no books available on the topic or if there are, they might be partially or completely out of date.

General Quantum Computing#

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach”, Hidary

  • [Introductory] “Dansing with Qubits”, Sutor

  • [Introductory] “Qauntum Computer Science”, Mermin

  • [Intermediate/Advanced] “Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists”, Yanofsky and Mannucci

  • [Advanced] “Qauntum Computing since Democritus”, Aaronson

  • [Advanced] “Quantum Computing and Quantum Information”, Nielsen and Chuang

Quantum Computing Mathematics#

  • [Introductory] “Essential Mathematics for Quantum Computing”, Woody III

  • [Intermediate] “Mathematics of Quantum Computing”, Scherer

  • [Advanced] “Mathematical Founations of Quantum Mechanics”, von Neumann

Quantum Mechanics#

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Mechanics: The Teoretical Minimum”, Susskind

  • [Intermediate] “The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume 3”, Feynman

  • [Advanced] “Quantum Mechanics: A Modern Development”, Ballentine

Quantum Chemistry#

  • [Intermediate] “Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious: Illustrated with Python and Qiskit code”, Sharkey and Chance

Quantum Machine Learning#

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Machine Learning: An Applied Approach”, Ganguly

  • [Intermediate] “Machine Learning with Quantum Computers”, Schuld and Petruccione

Quantum Optimisation#

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Optimization and Annealing Techniques : Quantum Annealing for Optimization, Comparing with Classical Methods, and Practical Applications”, Parker

Quantum Computing from Business point of view#

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Boost”, Lenahan

  • [Introductory] “Quantum Excellence”, Lenahan