National HPC Service#


The National HPC Service (NS) is the primary mechanism through which researchers gain access to ICHEC general-purpose computing resources.

These resources are available to all researchers based in Irish third-level institutions, including undergraduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral researchers and other academic staff.

What is this interim-service ?#

The Kay platform which supported the National HPC Service reached the end of its 5 year service life in November 2023. Because investment for the replacement CASPIr platform, as part of the EuroHPC joint undertaking, has been delayed and the operational lifespan of Kay could not be further extended for a number of contractual and technical reasons, an interim solution was required to bridge the gap until the CASPIr system can be deployed.

User Registration portal.

User Registration portal is the where you create and manage your ICHEC account. Every ICHEC user must have an account.

Apply for a National Service Project.

The application form is hosted on the same web service used for the Helpdesk and requires that you have an active ICHEC account to log in.

As the application form requires the upload of supporting documents, please ensure you read the requirements and understand the different classes of projectand also have both the Project Case document and the LuxProvide Terms of Use document completed and ready for upload.

  • Using your ICHEC username (not your email address) and password, log into the ICHEC Helpdesk

  • Go to the top left Homepage menu and select Create Project Application.

  • Click on the Projects icon and fill in and submit the form.