Distributed QNLP example
The following example is available as a runnable Python script QNLP_EndToEnd_MPI.py
in the source repository.
In this example we provide a sample usage to analyse large text documents, extract noun-verb-noun sentences, where available, and encode into states. More details will be presented on usage in a later publication.
Assuming the installation instructions have been followed for the distributed backend (see here), then we can proceed with running the QNLP methods at scale. For this, we can use the QNLP_EndToEnd_MPI.py
script. This file has a workflow to load and analyse a given corpus of text, tokenise, tag and determine the optimal encoding elements to represent meaning for a given set of control parameters.
Example usage
Assuming we have access to a HPC system with the Slurm system, we can define a submission script, job.sh
#SBATCH -J <job_name>
#SBATCH -N <number_of_node>
#SBATCH -p <submission_queue>
#SBATCH -t <run_time>
#SBATCH -A <charge_account>
#SBATCH --mail-user=<email_address>
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#Change to the QNLP directory, load the Intel Compiler suite and CMake3.12+, and ensure GCC 7+ compatibility
cd qnlp/build
module load intel/2019u5 gcc cmake3
#Source the appropriate runtime variables and paths
source ../load_env.sh
# The following env. variables control the runtime of the scripts, and subsequently define the size of the simulation.
srun -n <number_of_procs> --ntasks-per-socket=<largest_power_2_cores> -c 1 --cpu-bind=cores -m plane=<largest_power_2_cores> python ../modules/py/scripts/QNLP_EndToEnd_MPI.py <corpus> <num_experiments>
cp slurm-"$SLURM_JOB_ID".out log_"$SLURM_JOB_ID".out
tar cvzf "$SLURM_JOB_ID".tar.gz ./qnlp* log_"$SLURM_JOB_ID".out
Note that all variables with <>
structure must be user-defined. The runtime control parameters can also be changed, but be aware that setting them without prior knowledge may require significant computational resources. It is often best to run a resource estimation build first (-DENABLE_RESOURCE_EST=1
) to understand the qubit and gate-count requirements for a given set of parameters.
A sample run of the above scripts for a given set of parameters and corpus choice yielded the following encoding and results output:
It is best to examine the QNLP_EndToEnd_MPI.py
for more details, as it is well documented to explain the workflow.